
Friday, September 12, 2014

Girls night out!*

Girls night, with Lisa and Jeana, to see Katy Perry whoop whoop!! Our plan was to grab some pre concert drinks, see the concert and then go out afterward and sleep over at my friends work suite. Our tickets and plans have been in place for months and months...I did not plan to get sick a couple days ago. Thankfully I was well enough to go and have 2 drinks, which if you know me you know that is keeping it lighter than light. I was far from 100% and of course I forgot my tylenol and Dayquil so after the concert I was not able to do any of our other fun time for sure.

We got a little silly.

Stop 2 on our pre concert tour...oh look the Police Hahaha. I was still feeling great here and we made plans to hit up Darcelle's after the show. I am so bummed that we ended up not going, it is in the works for our next night out.
We were within walking distance of the Moda Center, thankfully it was a beautiful day for a was still beautiful after the concert on our walk back.

Obligatory photo with a mini Katy Perry figure.

I had no idea who was opening for Katy Perry, I also did not know the name of the singers on a new fave song around my house since the kids Auntie Allie purchased The Lego Movie for you can imagine my surprise when the opening band finally played a song I knew LOL. Yes, yes "Everything Is Awesome"!!! I had to record it for the kids. What is even more wild, at the second stop on our Katy Perry warm up bar tour this exact song came up in conversation, we were all laughing when it started.
Ready to get this show started!

Katy opened with Roar and closed with Firework...they were excellent, as was every song in between. She puts on a good show, and is really funny. At one point she brought a probably 9 year old boy (there were a lot of young kids there...not something I would take my kids to unless they were at least 11 or 12 but whatevs) up on stage, to give him a pizza...she explained that she can't eat it because of the gluten, then said she picked him because he was surrounded by women down there and told him he "needs to feed those hunnies" LMAO! I like most of her songs but never really considered myself a big Katy Perry fan, tonight was more about getting a night out with my girlfriends...but the show has me tempted to watch her movie.

Her set design was very cool for each song. I had to record a little of Xander's fave.
Of course one of the girls faves...thanks to the Chipette's LOL.

It was a great show, wish I was feeling better so I could have been more into it...I would be down to go again. Next time we will go all out and totally dress the part. I had no idea how festive Katy Perry fans are...the costumes and hair tonight were awesome! Good times!

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