
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Special friendships.

Jericho got to tour his Pre-school today, his first day is tomorrow!! He is super excited, but I think the trio had just as much fun playing in his pre-school class LOL.

We have decided that we will let Gangster go on Friday. He is just miserable and not having any quality of life anymore. Jericho has already been missing his special Buddy, G spends 99% of his time on his bed right now and that is a huge change from how it used to be. Gangster used to be Jericho's shadow...especially at meal time LOL. Jericho is a messy eater and G would be right there to happily help clean up after him...heck I am really missing that part already myself.
These two spent some time just chilling tonight.

Such a sweet boy, he just loves these kids and they adore him. I hate cancer :(

Ever watchful. He is going to be so missed.

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