
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Keeping busy.

Today was Jericho's first day of Pre-school!! My handsome little is he almost 4 already?!

His smiles just get me.

He was so for 3 hours of fun and learning, see you later Mom!

Grandma spent the day with us, it is that time of year again...working hard on homemade Halloween costumes. The kids picked our family theme again this year, I can't wait to see us all as characters from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I honestly look forward to doing this with her every year, I am learning a little and having a lot of fun. It has become almost tradition to make at least some portion of our costumes ourselves, we made the girls Firestar costumes last year, Potato Head family costumes 3 years ago, We made the shell for my dress, then I will sew on a bunch of scraps of different fabrics before my Sally dress is complete.

My mother in law can find anything, and at a great price, she seriously has thrift store powers. She found everything we are working with, and with small tweaks they will be perfect. Xander wants to be the Mayor, Karen found a suit...just need a little work on the arm length. My big boy in a suit...too cute!

Xander loves helping his Grandma sew...he was a permanent fixture by her side the whole time she was here.

Picnic lunch on the floor when Grandma and Mom have the table covered.

Jericho is done, I present Lock...the little red devil. The ears and tail were a dollar store find, the rest Karen sewed. Lily will be Shock the witch. Her dress was sewn today, but we still need to add the black lace around the edges. We wanted to cover her hat in purple fabric, but she has fallen in love with it the way it is. I will keep trying, but we may be sticking with the hat as is.

So cute! We tried to talk Haddie into being barrel, but she chose to be the mummy. We didn't get started on hers today...we will soon, I have a feeling Halloween is going to sneak up on us.

The trio helped Grandma make some clothes for their dolls...and their Auntie Stacie. Good luck with that Stacie LOL.

Xander's is looking good too...the spinning mask is going to be the tricky part. I think we have moved away from the paper mache idea...stay tuned.

Jason modeling for his Jack costume.

Lots of work still to do on mine.

After almost 6 hours of sewing we are done for the day. Nice work Grandma!

I was thankful to be so busy today. Today is our last full day with Gangster. We have been very honest with the kiddos, they know he will be leaving us tomorrow morning after they go to school. We have been preparing them and talking about it for a couple days now...I still don't think it will fully sink in until they get home tomorrow and he is not here :( There were a lot of tears over the last few days and tonight was really rough. They spent a lot of time with him tonight, reading to him, drawing him pictures, bringing him special toys and giving him special treats.

He of course sucked all the attention up. I am so thankful we have had this last year of just G time, we all still love and even miss Sakari...but this has been a fabulous year for Gangster.

They decided he should have a birthday party tonight, since he will miss his this December. Happy almost 10th birthday are so loved.

I think he enjoyed his party...even if he is very weak and tired.

He really enjoyed his raw chicken...about the only thing he has eaten in the last almost 2 days. He is just done. We really didn't want the kids touching the raw meat but they would not be dissuaded. Lots of hand washing right after this.

This just sucks. I know we are making the right is time, it just hurts. I hate this.


  1. I cry for you and your family everytime I think of this. I am so sorry for you. But he had a great life with you and your kids and I am sure no one would trade that for anything. Love to you all!
