
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Jericho's first field trip.

Jericho went on his first school field trip today! He was super excited to get to ride a school bus, with his high school student buddies, and spend 3 hours at a nearby pumpkin patch.
I drove out ahead of the bus, my big boy didn't need his Mommy riding the bus with him ;)

They have a great garden store...yummy and colorful!

It took 3 buses to get the 20-25 preschoolers, their high school student buddies (each little kid has 3 buddies,) a few parents and a couple teachers....we had just over 100 people in our group.

Jericho with 2 of his buddies...Sebastian and Anna. Too bad the rain hit today and didn't let up all day.

Buddy Trey was there too, Jericho talks about his buddy Trey all the time.

Half the group hit up the corn maze first, we got lost for a good half hour LOL.

Jericho did his best to find every puddle out there.

Jericho and the 3 best buddies ever!

Some playgroud fun before lunch.

Jericho loves keeping his buddies on their toes.

Hay ride! I stayed in the dry and relatively warm barn sipping on some hot cocoa while Jericho and his buddies hit up the patch.

In the end my little guy came home soaking wet with a big pumpkin and a small bag of potatoes...and stories for his Dad, brother and sisters of his fun day at the pumpkin patch! I really love his preschool...and the high school buddies!

Haddie got her shirt from being student of the month earlier this month.
After all this tiring fun today I managed, thanks to mother nature, to get out of cooking! Today was a record setting wet and rainy day, so bad actually that 2400 people (including us) lost power. 
Darn it, I had to go get fast food instead of cook LOL. 
The kids took it well, the Kindles lasted a while and kept them entertained. Forgive the was pitch black in the house.

When the Kindles ran out of power, flashlights, lanterns and running around the house singing Halloween songs, was super fun until bed time. Thankfully our power came back on just after the kiddos went to bed.

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