
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Last rose of the year.

A little DIY project today. We wanted to give the kids a spot to put their backpacks and sweatshirts after school...that is not the floor. Jason went to work on a simple little rack.

Jericho kept him company while he worked. He is such a pain, but he keeps us laughing.

I'm pretty sure this is our last rose for the year...and it is a beauty.

Homemade pizza dinner. Hayden insisted I take this photo, in fact she refused to eat until I did. I was confused, until she told me her pizza was decorated as a portrait of me. Thanks Haddie, let me take a picture of that masterpiece!

Nice job babe...good work. Dork LOL.

I better not find a backpack on the floor again dang it LOL.

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