
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Shopping trip.

We did a lot of running around today after the kiddos got out of school. Including a hair cut for Little Man. We really like him in the surfer shag but his hair is still baby thin, we thought cutting it really short might help get rid of more of that baby stuff. It makes him look so different.
Jericho has been really busy at preschool...he loves it, I just hope he is behaving, haven't had any feedback really. Hopefully no news = good news.

The trio's first order of books from school. I remember these things from when I was a kid, crazy how some things don't change. We read to the kids a lot, almost daily...tonight I let them try to read to me for the first time, I was super surprised at how well they did. Lily and Xander were almost reading, Haddie did pretty well too, but being a perfectionist doing anything that she doesn't know for sure that she will do great at is really hard for her. I was impressed, especially since we have never really tried to teach them to read at home and they are only about a month into Kindergarten and here they are trying to read.

Tomorrow is hat day at the trio's school. So while we were out adding to our preps and stock piles (yes, we are one of those families that thinks this is just the tip of the Ebola iceberg and that things are going to get worse before they get better...having a good 4 months of food stocked up helps me feel a tiny bit better) we got the kiddos some new hats. Jericho found the perfect hat for himself...our little minion LOL.

Lily Bug loves a good fedora, so she found one of those...I was trying my best to talk Haddie into this cute hat but she wasn't going for it. She wanted a cat one, so I let her get the one she wanted. Then I went back and bought this hat anyway is going to look sure cute in pictures.

Hayden's hat of choice...later she ended up finding a Hello Kitty fedora, so we now have a small collection of hats. I should have bought myself one...but then I love how they look on other people and worry they look silly on me so I almost never wear one.

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