
Friday, November 14, 2014

Full Friday...whew.

The calm quiet before the storm that was today's pretty full schedule.
Woosaw was critiquing my art work LOL.

She was very thorough and spent a good 5 minutes just sitting here staring up at different pictures. I did check, but I saw no spiders or bugs that were calling her attention.
First up on my schedule, a 9am report to spend 2 hours in the triplets classroom. They had Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday off for the 4 day weekend, then they went to school Wednesday, Thursday was off for a snow and ice storm (that never happened...of course) so today their teacher needed some help getting a weeks worth of stuff done. I had already planned to spend an hour with the class today helping out during a Thanksgiving craft, but their teacher texted me last night and asked if I could come early and lend a hand. It was a fun time...almost made me think I could be a Kindy teacher....ALMOST Hahaha!!! Xan got done with his work and was allowed to hang out in their clubhouse and read a book.

The little kids 5th grade buddies joined us for a little while to help with the written part of the Thanksgiving craft. The Kindy kids sure love having big buddies!

Another mom and myself helped the kiddos paint their hand for the craft. It was one I did with my kids almost exactly three years they kind of knew the drill.

They were so excited that I was working in their classroom again, it was so cute.

Time flies when you are having fun with a bunch of six year olds. The trio wanted to ride the bus home, they love riding the bus...they are going to be bummed when they don't get to next year. I headed home alone, to meet their bus LOL.

Next stop...Xander's eye exam.
They did an exam at school, we got a letter home stating we should have him looked at further.

He had a lot of fun...and did pretty well, even with the eye drops and dilation.

It seems he is far sighted right now, the Doctor says almost all babies are born far sighted...and it is a good thing. As they grow it corrects itself so they see normally. Xander is a little too far sighted for his age, she thinks there is a very good chance it will even itself out by middle school, but for the time being she thinks he needs glasses. NOOOooooo. Not the news I wanted to hear, I am not a fan of glasses personally and know kids can be so mean, I worry about my sweet boy. I told Jason we need a second opinion before we strap him with nerd goggles. So we will take him to a different place Monday for a second opinion, and possibly some hella cool glasses that he can rock. No offense meant to anyone who wears glasses, I was just trying to make myself laugh before I got too upset about the whole thing.

He wore the glaucoma special shades home.

Sunglasses selfie LOL.

When I got home we got busy, I'm sure Jason loves how I throw the "we" in there, making dinner for our friends who were coming by for dinner and a movie night. Always the best time hanging out with my friend Dina and her crew.

OJ got lots of love tonight.

Chilling watching a couple movies, How To Train Your Dragon 2 and The Lego Movie.

Good times. Whew, glad this Friday is over.
A funny from last night to share, not my brightest parenting moment, but funny nonetheless... As usual Jericho was messing around at dinnertime acting like a 3 1/2-year-old. I told him he better sit down and eat because I was about to lose my shit on him, Lily pipes up with "you mean you're going to lose your temper" LOL. Yes, Lily that is what I meant.

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