
Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Batman party in the works!

I need to get a start on Jericho's 4th...oh my gosh what?!...Bday party. With Thanksgiving and then Christmas, a New Year's Eve birthday can sneak up on you. I asked Jericho yesterday what kind of party he wanted, theme wise, we are having this one at a big inflatable jumping place. He wasn't too sure what he wanted so I tossed out some suggestions, he zeroed in on Batman about 2 seconds after I said it. Batman it is!
This morning I had a brilliant idea for a cute invitation picture, it actually worked out pretty well, despite my limited face painting skills. My wee little cute!

I only spent about 5 minutes snapping pictures, so I was happy to get the couple of good ones that I got.

This one ended up the he not the cutest little superhero ever?!?! I love his beautiful hazel eyes.

Of course big brother wanted his face painted too, then wanted it washed off 3 minutes later...I kid you not.

The invite I slapped together in 5 minutes turned out nice too.

My littlest superhero needed a cat nap today...har har har, see what I did there ;)

So sweet.

Our neighbor, "Katie Lady" as the kiddos call here, was having her nephews over tonight for a movie night. She came over and invited Xander to join them. He was super excited...and had a blast!

What do you do when one of your four amigos gets to go somewhere and the others are upset because they couldn't? You have a late night snack and movie night yourself LOL.

Haddie was pretty proud of this...she worked on it, by herself, off and on all day. Finally done! Nice job Hayden!