
Monday, November 17, 2014

He makes these look good!

Xander went for his second opinion today on his vision tests. Jason took him, and his sisters HAD to go too. Jericho and I hung out at home waiting for the news. This Doctor also found that he is farsighted, it is not really bad...and glasses are not even 100% necessary, but they would help. I think the script is for pretty weak. The second Doctor also thinks he can likely outgrow the need for glasses in the next couple of years, but for now he will be sporting some glasses.
Jason sent me some crappy text photos as they were picking, they did not do my dashing young man any justice. He picked two pairs, but one are his super duper fact he loved them so much he didn't want to leave them there and wait for the frames and correct prescription lenses to come in the mail LOL. The Doctor told Jason if he loves them so much he can wear the floor model, without prescription lenses, home and we can bring them back when his come in the mail. I will have to share pics of his other pair when they get here, but these are what his fave pair look like.
The kid has good, and expensive, taste. He saw these and wouldn't let them go, he didn't even want to pick a second pair...he was all about these "red" ones LOL.

He is so cute...even in glasses :)

I guess the lady that was showing him frames tried to get him to go with blue, but he wasn't giving up the red. I think he did a great job picking.
They make him look a little hipster LOL.

He also had to have this case. I'm glad he is excited for his glasses, I just hope he doesn't get teased or anything.
Lily and I popped out front for a little 5 minute photo session in that hat I love. The sun was going down, and really gave her hair a coppery tone. I have the hardest time picking my here are a few.

My poor toothless kid...I hope those two grow in soon, they give her a bit of a meth head smile LOL.

Bug, you are just too adorable XOXOX.
I had to change some of the photos into black and whites...sometimes I just love the mellow peaceful quality black and white gives.

Lily put her Equestria girls to bed like this tonight, they look comfy don't the boots LOL. is Prematurity Awareness Day. I am still very aware of the triplets rough start in life, I don't think it will ever go away. 

We were so fortunate when I had labor start at just 25 weeks pregnant with the triplets, after 3 different meds and a steroid shot, my Doctors were able to get it stopped. Many are not as lucky. I still ended up with babies born at 31 weeks 2 days, but the extra 6 weeks made a huge difference. Our time in the NICU was a bit of a blur...but I am thankful that I have 3 healthy children today. I am also thankful for these great photos and video wonderful to have these memories. Check out my old blog posts for more new born trio pics and video, also have some here of them about a week old. Hard to believe they were ever so tiny.


  1. Xan looks amazing in his glasses!! There is literally nothing cuter than a kid in glasses. Anyone who disagrees can jump up my ass. He picked super rad frames, too.

  2. Thanks Wendy! I think he looks pretty darn handsome in them too...even if I was worried about him wearing them :)
