
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fun with friends.

I have been tossing around the idea of getting some chickens to produce our own eggs, I have been thinking about it for over a year LOL. I haven't pulled the trigger because I have been worried about how much work and mess they will be. I have a couple different friends that have small what we are thinking about, 4 hens. We are going forward with chicks this spring, so I set up a play date over at a friends to talk chickens. Bonus the kids and I had a blast hanging out with our long time friends and I finally got over my chicken worries.

Everyone burned off a lot of energy. Lillian and Lily had a lot of fun.

The boys were big fans of the power wheels.

Inside we had lots of dress-up and art work going on.

The kids all play so well together, it was very hard to tell that there were 7 kids...under 8, playing there.

My little stinker face. He is usually our handful...tonight he was marvelous!

A new hairdo for me...doing hair and drinking wine, can't go wrong.

We had a fantastic night...thanks Carrie, Brady and girls, let's do it again soon!

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