
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Holly Jolly time!

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holiday's to all!!! The kids and I had to hold ourselves back from the gifts until Jason got home from work. We decided to stay in our PJ's and just have a lazy chillaxin' kind of day.

Breakfast was yummy.
The second their Dad walked in the kids were ready to get to opening.

Aww they were so happy that they got gifts for each other, that they had not even opened yet, they were hugging each other.

Sugar and Popcorn...and their babies, were a big hit. The boys got these for their sisters, nice choice ;)

Jericho got Xander a Toothless stuffed toy.
The girls got Jericho this sling action Spider-Man...he has been asking for it since the commercials started showing up on tv, he was so excited!
Kitsune was eating and watching all the fun...she couldn't wait to get out and investigate all the new stuff.

Hayden got Lily Sunset Shimmer...Lily's infatuation with the Equestria Girls has not gone anywhere. Jason and I got her a couple more too, right now she still needs Pinkie Pie to complete the main star collection. We told the kids that they could each get one toy for their good report cards, she wanted to go TODAY and get Pinkie Pie LOL.

Lily gave Hayden a Hello Kitty alarm clock radio...nice job girls. They LOVED actually getting to help pick out each others gifts this year, they love giving. Hayden even made her sister a necklace too. So sweet.

The boys got piggy banks...unbreakable piggy banks!!

We didn't have a whole lot of gifts for the kids to open this year, Kitsune took up a HUGE portion of the Christmas gift budget, but I think they still had enough to induce a bunch of squeals and smiles...and leave a mess LOL.

One of Xander's fave gifts...his first nerf type gun, was from his sisters. He has strict instructions on its proper use, and the rules he needs to follow. He was so happy when he opened this one.

Xan's gift to his brother was this RC truck...which was a huge hit with everyone, even Kitsune LOL. Xander got a police RC car...but we somehow missed getting batteries for it, parent fail Hahaha.

Lily's Puppy Surprise, Sugar, had 5 babies...including one little runt.

She LOVES them.

Haddie came to me holding 3 puppies, she was all excited that her Puppy Surprise doggy, Popcorn, had triplets. I was closing Momma dog up and found another baby that Hayden missed...a little runt. So fun!

I remember these Puppy Surprise toys from when I was a kid...I always wanted one. So cool that they are back and I can give them to the girls...well with the boys help ;)

Jericho, and Kitsune, loved the RC truck. The silly pup was chasing the truck all over and barking at it like crazy.

Jason saw this hover craft thing and thought Xan would love it. He has wanted an RC helicopter for a couple years now, but he is just not old enough (we got him one last year and he broke it in 5 min flat with a crash)...this thing just may hold him off another year at least.

The girls got a Furby Boom and a Furbling. These things might drive us batty very soon.

The kiddos also had a stocking each full of fun and goodies from Santa. We believe in the big guy around here, but he only gives the stockings.
A lot of money, thought and love goes into getting the kids their gifts...I don't want to diminish that by giving all the credit to Santa.
I love giving gifts...I love seeing everyone so excited and happy, such a good for the heart time.

The kids gave me and their Dad a couple things and we got a couple small things for each other too. I think it is important to not make gift giving all about the kids. I think it is good for them to see their Dad and I give gifts to each other and model that kind of a giving loving relationship.

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday.

Now it is time to get the final touches done for Jericho's birthday like SIX days. I'm so ready for a break LOL.

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