
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve at Grandma's.

Man oh man was today busy. Breakfast, kids baths, 2 loads of laundry, puppy bath, making and decorating Santa's cookies to put out tonight, then getting everyone ready and out the door at 3pm to drive over to Grandma's for Christmas Eve dinner and gifts. Jason has to work the Holiday's again this year so I was flying solo until he got off work and met us at Grandma's. I was already tired before dinner LOL.

The kiddos had fun cutting out sugar cookies and decorating them for Santa.

I did the girls hair early, with my fingers crossed that it made it until dinner time.

There is no way Santa is eating all these...good thing all his elves like cookies too, I bet they will be going back to the workshop.

Kitsune joined us at Grandma's too, figured it would be a great socialization session...with a dozen people she hadn't met yet, there was even another puppy there.

The other pup was about 5 months old and a crazy thing. Kitsune was a little unsure at first, but she warmed up pretty quickly.

It didn't take her long to make some new friends.

Present time, finally the kids can stop hounding us LOL.

So fun!

Lots of warm and genuine thank you's were given out tonight, my kids are so lucky to have such wonderful family.
They just loved everything. Nice photo bomb Brock.

Jericho was a happy kid too, he got a bunch of new SuperMashers...he loves those things!

The trio gave Grandma one of her gifts from us. The annual calendars are always a hit. It just hurts when you put it off too long and miss the deals and need 2nd day shipping...11 Snapfish calendars = ouch LOL.

They are worth it though!

The girls got some fantastic bead and fun loom thingys. They will be a lot of fun, once they get the hang of what to do I'm sure.

Jericho got a great megaphone voice changer thing...this will be fun for the whole house Hehehe.

Kitsune kept making the rounds.

It is fun to play Santa too.

They all had great manners this year "Not a book" exclamations made by anyone LOL.

Their Auntie Stacie couldn't make it this year...they sure missed her, but of course her gifts were total hits.

Can't wait to try and help the girls make stuff.

My mother in law got me this beautiful bracelet, I love it!

The family tree charm is amazing, and the other charm says "My family My love". It is so perfect!!!

Possibly the biggest hit of the night, at least for Lily, were these Frozen dolls from Grandma. Everyone got to be entertained by scene after scene from the movie for the rest of the evening Hahaha.

Oh boy...these look so fun, and maybe a little intimidating too :)

Wow! There is a lot of fun about to go down...wonder if it will buy me an extra hour of sleep in the morning. My kids are so loved...and very fortunate.

Thanks guys, you are so kind to means a lot. The gifts are great, but the time we spend laughing, having fun and making memories is priceless. We love you!

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