
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It is almost time!

Ever since the first time she saw Jericho go up this ladder Kitsune has been trying her darnedest to get up there. I have no doubt she will succeed soon enough...she is a determined little beast LOL.

She is growing so fast...and getting more brindle too.

What a cutie!

I put her up here for a minute, she did nothing but sass me...I think she wanted to do it all by herself. This is a family full of headstrong females.
Jason and I had a lot of wrapping to do tonight. First we had to get the kids to bed. My minions actually wore me out requesting spin after spin.

Wrapping presents with the help of an 8 1/2 week old puppy is no small task. Little pain in the butt LOL.

She wanted to attack and chew on everything of least she entertained herself so much that she got tired and put herself to bed.
T minus 2 days until Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. omg the shot of Kit on the ladder is SO FREAKING CUTE. You did great- her eyes and face are in perfect focus! Nice shot!!
