
Monday, December 22, 2014

Not so miserable this time.

We gave the zoo lights one more chance, and actually had a great time! Uncle Scott, Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee came with us...the kids are always so happy to see them.
We had beautiful weather, dressed warmer this time, brought our own hot cocoa and skipped the train...all that adds up to a zoo lights win! The train line was ridiculous, I really wanted to tell every person in line how NOT worth it was to wait an hour in line for an 8 minute crappy train ride...I mean you see more lights just walking around the zoo, but I didn't...they will all learn and probably skip it next year like we plan to LOL.

With the nice weather, and not wasting half our time in the train line, we saw so much that we missed on our 2 other trips to the zoo lights.

The fish mobile was pretty awesome!

So many great lights...and spots for pics.

The photos are far from great...but I kinda liked how some of them turned out.

The girls love getting to hang out.

The zoo has so many awesome scenes set up...I had no idea.

Lots of butterflies...which everyone loved.

Lily...always the drama Queen LOL.

Family fun in the lights.

Lily loved this mermaid.

Another butterfly.

My 4 kiddos checking out the 4 turtles.

Humming birds and a praying mantis.

A sea of lights...I wonder how many exactly they put out.
Jericho got a little tired.
Tunnel of awesome, and so many people trying to take photos LOL. 
Me and my minions took a couple pics.

Aww wub!

The hippo and elephant "move"...pretty neat.

We stopped by the light carousel to eat some of the cookies we made yesterday.

The carousel was really awesome, and the cookies gave everyone a nice little sugar recharge LOL.

The butterflies all around the zoo were really awesome, the girls loved them!
Jericho was not too sure about this huge snake.
They did a great job setting the lights up...everything is so pretty!

Skip the train people...just walk, so much better!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's so rad! I wish I knew more about Cleveland and if we had anything like that.
