
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Love my handy man!

My hubby is a rock star, not only is he a handy man, but he lets me sleep in AND fixes the kiddos green eggs and ham for breakfast. How did I get so lucky?!

Back to that handy man thing. My chicks are really getting big, they poop almost non stop and are out growing their brooder. Jason made me a little outside playpen so they can be outside all day on these beautiful days, then just come in at is still too cold for them to sleep outside.

Kitsune was a huge help.

Jericho came out for a little while to help too.

Hayden actually was pretty helpful and hung in there almost the whole 2 hours it took to make this thing.

We are going to add a roof and one more of the longer panels to each side in a week or so to give them even more room, but this will do great for now.

In non chicken news...we are hoping to move this summer. Of course I have already found my dream house...I mean this is THE one. We just need to sell our other two houses to get into it. Please dream house wait for us, pretty please!! 

Lily funny...In the triplets Kindy class they have "Big Buddies"...5th graders that come and do a craft of whatever with them on Friday's. I was talking to Lily today about how they will be in first grade soon. She got all dramatic and said "NO, I'm not ready to be a big buddy, I'm not good with children" LOL.


  1. That chicken coop looks nice! If you move, are you going to take it with?

  2. Yeah, we are only moving 30 min to an hour away...shouldn't be too hard to move it.
    I found that coop on Craigslist for $40...I love Craigslist LOL.
