
Friday, March 6, 2015

Three for three!!!

Well we are pretty darn proud parents today. Xander was named student of the month...this makes three for three!! The pressure will be on Jericho when he hits Kindy next fall LOL. The month was about acceptance, you will never meet a nicer, more accepting young man than Mr. Xander. Hayden even told us the other day that she thought Xander was going to win this time because he always invites everyone to play. He was so excited...I don't think any of the other kids jumped up and made their way to the stage quite as fast as he did LOL!

My handsome sweet boy!

What a cutie.

We are so proud of you are a joy.

Grandma and Auntie Amber came with.

We celebrated with some ice cream. Dang are making us look like we are doing a good job ;) We are so fortunate to have such wonderful kiddos. We love you so much!

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