
Friday, March 27, 2015

This is more like it.

We are getting a nice break from the rain again, sadly there is rain returning in a few days. Summer hurry up!
 The kiddos are taking advantage while they can, they had a little picnic lunch out front today.

Kitsune is enjoying the sun too...lots of fetch time.

She is looking so grown up, can't believe she is 5 months old already.

Haddie lost anther tooth today, they have to be almost done with losing teeth LOL.

My chickie poo's are loving their new run. They are looking so grown up too. Hopefully we will start getting some eggs this summer!

I still think we got lucky and all the chickens are actually girls. Belle here is the only one that gives me pause, she is so bossy and does the leader thing. I guess another month or so and I should be able to tell for sure for sure LOL.

Kitsune has been working on her jumping on command. She is so smart and athletic, I am such a fan of Dutchies now...I already want a second one LOL.

My two trouble makers.

We have gotten a lot of roof work done during this rain break. The kids idea of "helping" kinda sucks. They either want to make a mess of my house, climb up on the ladder and give me a heart attack.

Or they like to chill in the sun while we do all the hard work. Thanks guys!

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