
Friday, April 3, 2015

This year is flying.

It is April already, how the heck?! Easter tried to sneak up on us for sure. We have been so busy with the roof...which is getting real close to being done finally, I had a fleeting thought of not even dying eggs this year. Then I mentally slapped myself for trying to be lame and decided to not be a crappy mom and color some damn eggs LOL.

This year in addition to the store bought dye packs we gave food color a try. It has now tied for first place with the tissue paper method for making the coolest eggs.

We had a ton of dye options but only boiled 18 eggs LOL...the kiddos all had fun though and didn't complain about the egg shortage.

The really vibrant ones are from using neon food color with some water and vinegar...they turned out really awesome. Gotta add stickers and wrappers tomorrow.

A little Jericho funny from the other day...
As we were taking a long cut drive home that the kids didn't recognize, I heard the following from the peanut gallery in the back seats. 
Hayden and Lily...Daddy are we lost?
 Jericho...we're not lost, we're on an adventure!
 I like the way you think little buddy :)

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