
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Fun neighbors.

The neighborhood munchkins got a trial run egg hunt today over at "Katie Lady's" house. They each had their own color and had no problem locating their eggs.

Easter is probably Lily's favorite Holiday...well actually it is probably tied with any other Holiday that involves treats LOL.

Little man was a busy boy.

One of Lily's was high up in a tree. The girls tried a little team work.

It was both funny and sweet to watch them try to get that egg.

In the end Katie had to give a little helping hand.

The boys were running around like crazy.
Cousin Hailee joined us...Amber and Jason got more work done on the roof, hopefully we have it finished this week!

What a fun morning!

A little Lily funny from today.
 Me: Should Mom and Dad hide the eggs we decorated?
 Lily: No Mom, the Easter Bunny is a professional, we should let him do it. LMAO.

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