
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Eastery Egg time.

We dialed back the Easter baskets this year. Everyone was thrilled, when they woke up at 6 fricking 30 in the morning, with what the bunny left. It was hard to get cranky when we heard the boys hollering about a "miracle" to their sisters LOL.

My big kids, can't believe they are almost!

They are all so adorable...our neighbor "Katie Lady" got these outfits for them to wear today. It was actually a life saver, I have been so preoccupied with the roof that I didn't even buy the kids Easter outfits this year.

53 eggs did not take long at all to find...they are super sleuths.

I love her hair.

My big boy. He is looking so grown up...and handsome.

Silly brothers. Love these two boys. They fight like crazy most of the time...actually want their own rooms in our next house, but I think they will always have each others back.

Then there is my two sweet girls. These two are a couple peas in a pod, they wouldn't want their own bedrooms even if we bribed them.

Little beauties, inside and out.

Besties for life.

Not pro yo...but my cake making skills at least impress the kiddos LOL.

Then Jericho decided he would also bake a cake. He put his plastic bucket, AKA his pretend cake, into the oven and forgot about it. I had no idea until after the oven was preheated for dinner and I opened the door to this stinky mess. Gotta laugh, poor Jericho is a one man wrecking has got to get tiresome LOL.

1 comment:

  1. What a great looking family you have! Looks like you had an amazing Easter. Love your blog btw! Look forward to coming back and reading more!
