
Saturday, July 11, 2015

One stressful thing almost off the list.

When you are busy with selling a house, packing, buying a house, moving a barn and all that, planning a birthday party is just one more stressful weight on your shoulders. As fun as it may be. So I am very glad tomorrow is the big day, I am ready to cross one thing off the list.
I did not go all out this year, just too much going on. Didn't make our own cake, or decorations, didn't make up goodie bags...hopefully it will still be fun anyway.

We decided to spend the night at Grandma's so we could set up for the party in the morning. Xander got to help mow the lawn.

Lily helped do some watering.

She says she wants this job at our new house...we'll see how long that lasts LOL.
Hailee spent the night with us too, it took a while for them to get tired. Something tells me that does not mean they won't be up at the crack of dawn anyway LOL.

Auntie Stacie's band had a article written about them in the magazine '1859' pretty cool!! The kiddos are looking forward to getting to see her at the party tomorrow!

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