
Sunday, July 12, 2015

We made it to 7!*

We woke up to 4 very happy kiddos, that were very excited for the fiesta!

They are 7 and ready to rock this joint.

We had a burrito and nacho bar set up for everyone...6 lbs of chicken and 6 lbs of beef were gone by the end of the day. The kids mostly ate all the fruit LOL.

The bounce house and pool are always a hit.

Our party was a bit smaller than last year...and it was a nice relaxing time. I hate to see guests not able to make it, but I really enjoyed things being a little smaller.

So Jason's LOL homemade cakes are way better, in my humble opinion, but the Costco cake (and cheesecake) disappeared just the same.

Happy birthday to my sweet, smart, stunning and seriously loved trio, we are so lucky to be your parental units!!

I hope all your wishes come true my loves.

Some time for gift opening, such generous and thoughtful gifts...thank you all so much!

A little sword play with cousin Tyler.

The kids could not wait for the pinata...the first one went pretty quick, thankfully we bought two.

Hayden was serious about trying to take this sombrero down LOL.

Kitsune did amazing at the party, even if she had to be right up in the mix. We didn't plan on her staying out once the guests arrived...brought the crate for my usually anti social mutt to chill in. We ended up not needing it, she did so great with everyone...Jason and I were happily surprised.

It was a perfect day for a pool party, hot...but not too hot.

Auntie Stacie pulled out the guitar...the kids love to hear her sing.

A party doesn't get much better than a private concert :)

What a fabulous party...and year. Can't wait to see what the next 12 months have in store for our family!

1 comment:

  1. How cute!! Haha, we just threw our little newly four year old a birthday party this past Saturday and it also had a bounce house and pool for some summertime fun. :) We didn't have a private concert though! Wow, she has some serious talent! I love that it's not the norm kind of pop and whatnot. I'll have to check them out. I love her voice!

