
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Joy rides.

After a week with no dishwasher the best part of delivery day is....playing with the box, according to "The Farm Kids" from inside their new members only clubhouse. Hayden would not rest until Jason was able to smash the new stoves box through her doorway.

All the kiddos Wanted to take a ride, or 6, today. It was a chore, but I managed to drive them around :)

Good thing Jason had just filled her up.

Xander's room is just about done, needs a little floor trim...but he started sleeping in here tonight. We really thought Jericho and Xander wouldn't take so quickly to sleeping in their own rooms...but they did. Xander loves his new bed/ tall boy is going to grow out of it before he wants to give it up I'm afraid LOL.

Jason got started on cutting the hearth pad tile, I can't wait to see this project all finished.

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