
Friday, August 21, 2015

Slave driver.

It must be so hard being a super handy can do anything man, when you are married to a slave driving clipboard holding task master...who always has a new fun idea LOL.
I think part of the reason this "small" remodel job is having such a hard time getting completed is because I am no good at being patient. I want everything done now, which has my poor hubby jumping from thing to thing too much to get stuff finished.

Now I have him starting our tile hearth for the wood burning stove. We are at 1,500 feet elevation up here and it is going to get cold. I'm so glad I let Jason talk me into putting a stove if we can just get it done already LOL.

Sorry babe, of course you can take a dinner break...forget what I said LOL.

Well I wasn't wrong...the kiddos weren't exactly excited to come home. They had such a blast with Grandma, what amazing memories were created!

Little funny story from today.... Picking up the fantastic 4 from their two days with grandma there were lots of fun stories to hear about. One being the photographs that they found of their dad and auntie Stacie with their various high school sweethearts. Lily says "mom, mom, dad dated three girls." Then she says "Auntie Stacie dated four boys, she must be good" LMAO!!!

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