
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Home Depot...again.

I think our Home Depot trips are winding down, I hope. The house is still not done, but we are making progress, slowly but surely.

Today while the bigs were at school the rest of us hit up Home Depot for like the 100th time this year LOL. Jerciho was in a silly, look at me kind of mood.

Little ham.

Xan and Haddie found this cool moth caterpillar.

Some shocking and totally amazing news today...we caught Woosaw. Our little gray and white long hair kitty managed to sneak out of the front door a good 5 or 6 WEEKS ago. We had spotted her a couple times, but instead of running to us she spooked and ran the other direction. We hadn't seen her in a good 10-12 days thought she had finally died or got killed, then we got a glimpse of her a few days ago. We set out a live trap and within 20 minutes she was captured. We are kicking ourselves for not getting a trap sooner. She is a total bag of bones...she probably wouldn't have lasted but another couple of days, and to be honest I am not going to feel 100% that she is going to make it for the next 5-7 days. Poor poor starved kitty. Hopefully she has learned her lesson and stays away from the door.

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