
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Training and swimming.

We are trying to get serious with Kitsune's IPO is such a long road of hard work, but it is also lots of fun...especially for Kitsune. After putting the bigs on the bus Jericho and I met up with my friend Dina and took the dogs to club. I think Jericho is really enjoying this only child between 8-4's been really nice to have some one on one time with my wild boy.

Kitsune enjoying biting the helpers "toys". Training young dogs is all about fun and play for the first 9-12 months. Her natural drives are engaged and she has no idea she is learning and working. She loves it!

I still have a lot to learn about being her "handler", hopefully I progress almost as quickly as she is.

And no, this training does not make her aggressive or dangerous at all.

Can't wait for next Thursdays training! Now to get working on her heel and tracking...the two I left for last because they are the most difficult to teach, for me anyway.
After working hard we decided to take the dogs for a swim. This beautiful spot is 7 minutes from the farm, I think we have found our new summer doggy swimming hole!

Kitsune took right off into the water, guess those lessons at Grandmas paid off...we have a water dog!

Stick or ball she didn't care, she went out for anything we tossed in.

We kept extending the throws so she went farther and farther, she is a strong swimmer.

Dina did the throwing while I took pics of course.

Lycan is not quite the swimmer Kitsune is, and he has a style all his own LOL...ever see a dog try to swim with his front legs while walking on his back legs, it is hilarious! Half the time he waited on land and tried to take the ball once Kitsune brought it back. Amazingly he kept his face, even though Kitsune was highly annoyed with him HAHAHA.

Such a lovely day.
We are in for one tired dog tonight.
When I got home it was time for farm chores...thankfully we usually have lots of help.
Everyone is doing great, the piggies are getting big and pushy.
Naughty Miss Unipiggie has discovered that she can walk the plank and fit in the chicken door. I hope she grows faster...she keeps eating all their food.

Handsome Prince Charming.

Thanks Auntie have created quad pilers LOL.

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