
Thursday, November 19, 2015

A good first session.

Spent a couple hours with Ava today. It is looking like 80% of the problem is me...I don't trust her and she intimidates me, both of which she knows and exploits. So 'Get Comfortable With Your Horse 101' has begun. Thanks to my new friend Courtney for helping me and not letting me hand off the lead rope every time she started acting up and I got nervous...that helped me a lot. I'm working on being the boss, I'm working on showing Ava that she is not in charge. I don't know why I am having this problem, she has never done anything really out of line, and she is kind...heck when I was a teenager I used to ride a 3 or 4 year old Arabian...I'm not sure where my confidence went, but I'm going to find it. I am much more cautious these days LOL. I think it is my kids fault, now that I am a mom I look at everything so much different than I did in my teens and early 20's. Ava is a good girl, I am not ready to give up on her quite yet.

When she is in a mellow chill mood I just love this girl, it is when she gets antsy or amped up that I get nervous...I think a lot of that is just a horse, seems I forgot how horses behave at times.

Jericho came along for today's Ava visit.

Oh, Jericho had a blast on his ride, one of Courtney's little 4-H horses...he can't wait to come back.

It was a beautiful sunset tonight, I wish I had my camera on a better setting to capture it accurately. Still lovely.

Kitsune outlined by the cool.

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