
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Training begins.

Ava is spending the next 30 days at a friends barn. She is pushy, disrespectful and needs a bit of a tune up with her ground manners. I don't think she is too far gone, but I am not confident enough to handle her the way she is. Hopefully we see some good results, if not I will be trying more training...but she is going to have to improve to live here. I can't have such a big horse that doesn't respect me, that makes her no fun to be around and dangerous. We were supposed to drop her off yesterday, but she refused to load into the trailer for me. The same trailer she has been in and out of 4 times already. Try making a 1,000 + lb animal do something they don't want to do, it was an hour wasted. I was about ready to just call the whole horse thing off...she is making me so frustrated, and question if this whole thing was a mistake.
Today was super windy and she spooked a tiny bit when I got her in her new stall. I hope my friend and I can get things working a little better with Ava...I really don't want to have to find her a new home.
I have had a couple sleepless nights over this horse.
She is nice and cozy.
She has already made some new friends too.

It is World Prematurity Awareness Day again, so here are my triplet preemies. Born at 31 weeks, weighing 3 lbs 12 oz, 3 lbs 15 oz and 3 lbs 7 oz. They were little rock stars right from the start, but still spent a month in the NICU. The days go by slow, but the years they are healthy strong 7 year olds. Such amazing people, we are so proud of them.

A kid funny from yesterday.
Hayden is a big music fan. She has her radio in her bedroom on 24/7...and if we dare turn it off in the middle of the night we hear about it the next morning, because she "likes to wake up to singing". Jason was just talking to her about her music interests. He asked her what kind of music is her favorite. Hayden answered "I like country music more than city music Dad." Hahaha!

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