
Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Our second Student of the Month this year....Xander!!!
This go round was about generosity. My sweet boy is for sure generous, usually. When Hayden came home the other day sharing that Lily really wanted to have garden day, but she didn't have any more garden vouchers (how the classrooms pick which kid gets to help in the garden) and Xander gave Lily his last one, I figured he might get it this month. Lily was a little upset that it wasn't her turn yet, but she held it together pretty well.

The principle shakes hands with every Student of the Month winner and congratulates them on their achievement. Xander is one of those kids that likes to shake hands...and already at 7 has a better handshake than some adults I have run into.

Way to go Xan, we are so proud of you!

Finally got my canvas prints up today. It is starting to feel like we are settling in.

Awww I have missed my photos.

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