
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Mr. Helper Claus.

The kiddos had their visit with the Helper Claus today. They had a lot to say, and cooperated beautifully for their photos. Long gone are the days of meltdowns and crying, even if it seems like just yesterday.
We discovered another plus to country living. The mall may be a lot smaller, and a good 20 min away, but there was almost no one there on a Sunday afternoon, and there was no line to see Santa. Score!

Such big kids, someone tell them to slow down.

My Fantastic Four!
Beautiful young ladies.

Handsome gentlemen.
We saw this Angel tree, the kids picked 2 kids to buy for this year.

So hard for them to pick. They are getting really good at buying for others. I took each one aside the other day and had them pick out a gift for their siblings. They had so much fun, and really put a lot of thought into what their brothers and sisters would enjoy. Now I don't know what they are more excited for, opening their own gifts...or seeing the gifts they picked out opened. So fun!

In other news, Kitsune got her final weight pull leg yesterday! She now has her UWP title to go along with her Champion title!

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