
Friday, December 25, 2015

It's a white Christmas!

The look under my tree sure doesn't match my credit card statement LOL. Every year we tell ourselves we are going to take it easy, every year we blow it. Maybe next year...

The kiddos were super excited this morning, we had a hard time holding them off for our traditional pancakes first.
Hayden started right off on one of her artsy gifts from Great Grandpa.

Rudolph pancakes, always a hit.

I love this gift from Grandma last night.

Gift time!

We had a few big hits, and not really any misses this year.

Big hugs from a happy boy who got his first video game...the 3DS.

This kid...everything was "Just what I always wanted" LOL.

The girls got the unicorn and pegasus ponies....each had triplets, which they thought was very cool.

The Shopkins have many tiny parts, ugh.
The happy...I guess it's worth it ;)

This Rapunzel, also a hit.

Hayden got a ton of art stuff and crafts, which she loves, but this Zoomer Kitty was a welcomed surprise.

The boys got Spider-Man web shooters, perhaps not the best idea Hahaha.

Messy fun!

She did it...wouldn't stop until it was done.
We had a very white Christmas...and when the neighbor kids came over to ask if they could sled in our pasture everyone decided to head out too. Kitsune loved the snow and the fun...only needed a couple reminder beeps on the collar to not chase and bite at the fast moving "objects" LOL.

I got some pretty awesome pics.

My kids do not really have proper snow gear...if it is going to be this snowy every year we are going to have to remedy that. They had a blast anyway...but were pretty darn wet and cold when we headed home a couple hours later.

They crashed a lot, and came away with some snow rash, but most of the time they got right back up for more.
One of the neighbor kids, Cadence, tried to teach Xan how to snowboard.
Doesn't quite have it yet...but he already looks better than I do on a board Hahaha.

They had a blast today!

My wild man...he is crazy. He kept yelling "I'm gonna die" as he flew down.

It was a gorgeous day to play outside!

The hill is no joke, how they kept coming back up it I don't know...I was tired and sore after just a couple trips.

One of the few times the girls made it all the way down without crashing, Lily gets up and says "Someone call a Doctor, cuz that was sick". After I got done laughing my ass off I had to ask her where she heard that one...some commercial out there did it right.

As if the day could get any better...Auntie Stacie and Grandma show up to play in the snow too!

Woohoo Xan!

Don't try this at home kids...unless your Auntie is a ski instructor and reasonably sure you won't die.

Hayden loved it, Lily refused a turn LOL.

So cute!

Jason needs a refresher on the's only been about 9 years.

How do I steer this thing?!

Penguin style.

Grandma took a turn on the ski slope.

Of course Jericho took a ski piggie back ride.

Sledding with Auntie not as pretty LOL.



What a wonderful Christmas! Now I need to get warm and dry.

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