
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Snowy fun!

Hayden was back at her crafts this morning...she is so detailed and careful, does some nice work for a 7 year old.
I headed off to have a training session with Ava, and had a good one too. The new barn is nice, and I think they are a bit more goal orientated with what I want them to accomplish with Ava in the almost 6 weeks they have with her. Today I got her to lunge at a walk and trot BOTH ways for me...with minimal balking. I was thrilled. Sadly her legs are not loving this weather, both back legs are more swollen than I have seen them since bringing her home. I hope whatever is going on works itself out.

 When I got home I was happily surprised to find some friends had come to have some fun up on our little "mountain of snow" LOL.

Another fun filled day. Nick and Lisa brought some fun sleds...we really need to get some fun equipment.

My kids love getting to spend time with Kenzie and Red.

Hahaha this one was funny, Haddie going down backwards and Jericho going down forwards.

Kitsune has been a beast, she never tires and has been great with all the kids.

Lots of racing.

Lots of walking back up that hill...doesn't seem like much, until the 4th or 5th trip up LOL.

Wanting the frisbee...again.

Chasing Dad on the sled is just as fun, for her...he came close to getting bit LOL.

Hayden begged and begged, so I went down with her twice.

And lived to tell the tale LOL.

Poor Haddie wanted to get in on the races with the big kids from next door, but didn't understand why being smaller...and lighter, meant she would always lose. So competitive that one.

A little snowman building...and painting.

Another great day. Everyone had so much fun plans were made to get together again tomorrow...and get a little more dangerous, stay tuned.

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