
Friday, April 22, 2016

Day one visiting the farm.

My sister Allie, two nieces Rowan and Lydia, and Allie's boyfriend Adam arrived about 1 am this morning. The kids only let us all sleep until about 6, thank you Amazon Fire magic box or playing Zootopia and buying us another hour.

It started out dreary and drizzling, so our first little tour of the farm and meeting the critters was quick.

Awww cousins, Hayden and Rowan wub them!
The goats were a big hit, especially that glad we decided to keep her, I just love that little goat.
And she seems to love kids too. Meeting baby Lydia.

Snails are cool too I guess. Hayden loves them...I almost would love to find her one of those giant ones to be her pet LOL.

Goats, snails and chickens OH MY! Hahaha.

Just after lunch Scott, Amber and cousin Hailee joined did the SUN, say what?! Time to hit the farm again, sans umbrellas.

More baby goat fun.

Hailee loves Heidi too.

Momma's Taboo and Yahtzee checked out this new baby.

Dolly got caught in a Jericho hug.

Feeding the piggies some bread.

Mulan, Lydia...Lydia, Mulan.

Horses, Horses, Horses...everyone wanted to meet the horses.

Yummy grass treats.

Ava and Scooter did pretty good.

The fence didn't hold the kids long, they wanted more.

The horses didn't mind the horde of children running up on them, thankfully.

If Lydia becomes horse crazy....I think I can pinpoint the beginning. Awww!

It was hard for Hayden to share, but Hailee got to walk Scooter around a bit.

Everyone got a little lead around. Some where more comfortable than others LOL.

Finished the day off with some kick ball...and catch ball fun....and some trampoline time.

Big fun...Auntie Amber launching balls up to Xander, Hayden and Hailee to try to catch.

What a wonderful day...and the weather actually cooperated today. Can't wait for tomorrow!

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