
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Rock it.

My sister and nieces are coming for a long weekend visit from Colorado this coming Friday...EEKKK can't wait! Too bad it wasn't this last weekend...we had days and days of 80 degrees and sun, and of course this weekend is supposed to rain and rain. Jericho and I did some shopping to stock the house. Most of my unloading helpers were at school so Jericho was supposed to help. Instead he grabbed my phone and started working on his paparazzi skills. At least he takes flattering pictures....sometimes

He was pressing the button like crazy, I had a lot of crap to delete LOL....but I just went with it.

I had to stop rocking it when I got photobombed by a chicken LOL.

My cutie patootie.

Then he took a pic for me, had to try on a new dress. I almost never wear dresses, I feel like they are unflattering on me....which makes me feel really self conscious. My boys are so sweet, they pay the best compliments ever...their wives are going to be very lucky, and well flattered. They made me feel like it looked pretty good!

A couple pics I forgot to share from the bike ride (training wheel-less for Xan and Haddie) with Grandma and Jason the other day.

My cautious Lily Bug, still rocking those training wheels.

Speaking of a funny for you. Lily is not an outdoorsy kid. Today she actually came out with me and Hayden to put Ava and Scooter in the barn for the night. Let me set the scene....The mosquitos and flies are already buggin...and there is stinging nettle everywhere. The girls got to talking.... Lily: Are we almost done with this itchy country stuff. I don't know why we moved to this place. Hayden: It was moms dream. Lily: Well I hate this. Hayden: Hey I love moms dream. Lily: Why couldn't she have a less itchy dream? Why didn't we move to a less itchy forest? All I could do was poor Bug.

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