
Friday, May 13, 2016

First water fight of the year!

One week old and already getting in trouble. This little one somehow got tossed out of the nest box and crawled his way right out of the cage, it was cold and near death when I found it this morning. A little while longer and it would have been a goner. We are down to just 3 babies out of the 8, I don't want to lose anymore. First time bunny moms are not so great.

Here it is taking a nice warm bath before I put it back in the nest. No this is not a bunny snuff photo. A great way to warm up a baby bunny is in an open plastic bag (so the baby doesn't actually get wet) and floated in warm water.
5 or 6 min...rewarming the water many times, was all it took.
All warmed and returned to the nest. They should open their eyes in another 5 or so days, I can't wait to see their little peepers!

The little chocolate is growing well. I am leaning toward this one being a buck, the other two may be doe's but we won't be able to tell for sure for another 3 weeks.

Oreo, they are getting so cute now.

Momma is starting to get it I think.
Jericho was with me when I found the baby missing, we searched all over for the little white baby...I was starting to think mom ate it, then I just happened to look outside the cage on the ground. Jericho was so scared that the baby was dead...I'm glad we got to Cupid in time.
Hayden surprised me when she brought up getting her ears pierced. All week she talked about wanting to do it. So today after school I took her to get it done. I wasn't 100% that she was going to go through with it, but she did.
Some tears before anything even happened, then it was so quick she was like that's it? Not a single tear afterwards.
She is so super proud she did it and she loves these so much...she couldn't stop talking about how she "really got her ears pierced" all night. Lily is still not interested, we shall see if she changes her mind.

It was a beautiful day today.

Goodness I love this did I ever get so lucky to make this dream life come true for me and my family. I have the best husband in the world...he works so hard to make all this happen. I am so thankful.
Jason and the kids thought it was a great day for the first water fight of the year. These things are awesome...I don't think we will ever use regular water balloons again LOL. You fill a big bunch up all at once, and they are self sealing WHAT?!

Lily Bug got blasted with the first chucked balloon, after an initial angry reaction, she came around and just look at her happy beautiful face!

The kids were using sleds as shields LOL.

The chase was on.

And the balloons were flying. Being the photographer usually keeps me pretty safe LOL.

Dad isn't afraid to get in the mix...look at the fists on Lily Hahaha!

When the minions team up...better run!

This pic turned out cool...that is water that Jason sloshed at Lily as she ran away.

Jericho just dodged this one.

Don't you dare Missy. Kitsune was having a lot of fun too.

I think Jason ended up every bit as soaked as the kids. Great end to a wonderful day! Summer is going to be so fun here!

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