
Monday, May 16, 2016

Meet Twinkie and CupCake.

I have a Kindergarten packet to fill out, hard to believe I only have 3 1/2 more months before Jericho starts school. I am looking forward to some alone time, but am sad at the same time.

I'm going to miss the Hot Cocoa and coffee mornings.
These bunnies do not have any sense of self preservation. I found this little guy out of the nest and cold on the ground, thankfully I found him in time.
They have grown so much.
And this is why they keep having near death experiences....they are on the move, blind. Silly babies.

The trio's spring much change in one years time.
Hayden just adores this haircut...I wonder if we will ever get her to change it up..

Lily, her hair looks so red sometimes. I loved the background choice.
So the kids have fulfilled their deals with their Dad. They were ready for the carrot at the end of the stick. Originally they wanted a couple hermit crabs. I did a bit of research and decided I didn't want hermit crabs LOL. So I started negotiations to pick a different kind of small pet. Since we have already been there, done that, with rodents I thought maybe we should try birds. I had Cockatiels when I was a kid/teen, and adored them, but since Jason was not as keen on the bird idea we started off smaller...Parakeets! Hopefully these guys work out and we can work our way up to a bigger bird.
Meet Cupcake and Twinkie!

This is Cupcake, we think she is a girl. Both birds are really young babies...less than 8 weeks old I think.
This is Twinkie, we believe he is a is really hard to tell on babies so young so we will have to wait to see if they end up as we believe or not.

We have them set up in the girls room, they are not hand tame yet...but being so young it shouldn't be too difficult.

This is their cage, it is a touch smaller than the Parakeet fanatics say you should use...but they seem happy.
The wood top and branches from one of our apple trees will be a mobile play top...where they can enjoy lots of out of cage time. Hopefully we can get it finished this weekend.
Can't wait until they are more comfortable so I can get some good pictures, they are so all the colors and patterns parakeets come in.
Meatball sammies for dinner...quick and easy, and the kids are digging meatballs these days.
A few pictures from yesterday. The kids had science fair at school last week. One of the experiments they saw done by the older kids was that peeled oranges sink, while unpeeled oranges float. The girls decided to recreate the experiment so we could see it LOL.
Xander called me to his room at bedtime last night, his typical stall tactics, he said he had something special he made for me to show me. It was so sweet I had to go grab my camera and take a picture. He spelled out I love you Mom. What a sweetheart.
Jericho fell asleep in his little boy cave. He was smart enough to put a pillow at the bottom, and pad the sides.

Silly boy...Daddy moved him to his bed LOL.

A little Jericho funny.... Jericho was in not so rare wild man form tonight. He had been told 10 times to brush his teeth for bed. He came out saying he brushed and was ready for bed. Jason smelled his breath, not minty fresh.
Jericho said, in a reprimanding tone, "You don't sniff someone's teeth!" Hahaha.

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