
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hayden's favorite show and tell.*

I sent the kids to school today wondering if the triplets teacher was going to kill me. I let Hayden take a garter snake that I caught to school today for show and tell. It was in a closed tupperware container so I thought hopefully that helps LOL. When Hayden got home I was happy to hear show and tell went fine, so far no nasty grams either. She is sad but about to let him go, so she wanted a couple pictures.

This girl loves snakes.
Yikes...this was not good.

Momma is doing a great job, all 9 still with us...with a little intervention needed here and there. Almost 2 weeks old, they grow even faster than baby chickens.

Jason put up the kids zipline today...major fun to be had!

I took the first test ride. Wahoo!!!

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