
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Some just have no parenting skills.

Beautiful day to make more progress on the horse run in. This is taking forever LOL. You can see Jason on the roof...he actually almost bit it once today.
Xander enjoying some sun in the pasture. He has totally fallen in love with all things Animal Planet and Discovery Channel. His siblings now hate when it is his turn to pick a TV show LOL.
How do you know your son has watched too much Naked and Afraid? When all 4 kids are playing a game together and said son decides he doesn't want to play anymore and says......"I'm tapping out" LMAO.

1- It's amazing any baby animals survive, animal parents are just stupid. (yeah I may be a little extra cranky since something snatched the white baby bunny out of the bunny tractor. It tried to get Oreo too, there is a bite wound on her head. I think it may have been a rat...why didn't the adults kick its butt and save the baby, you got me grr.)
2- I never knew living on a little farmette would involve so many near death baby critters in my bra.

Keep your fingers crossed this baby turkey doesn't do this again. 3 of them got themselves away from mom and this little one was crushed at the bottom of a cold chick pile up. It was near dead when I found it...even doing the silent gasping stuff, I thought it was a gonner. An hour in my bra and it was doing much better.

Then a half hour next to OJ and it was ready to go back to mom.

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