
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Horsing around.

We couldn't get away this weekend, Jason has to work on Monday. So we decided to do a little camp out at home.
Started off with grilling some dogs, camp style.
Time to get the triplets birthday invites made up. Cue the plaid, horse and cute cowboy hats.

Xan you make me smile.
The cowgirl sisters.
Miss Haddie, the cowgirl thing suits you well.

That smile is the best.

Now the horsing around...Ava was a good sport.

It took a while, but we got a good one in the end.
The kids wanted Ava to wear a hat, they were too short so I had to put it on her head. Looking good Ava.

Lily is not a horse person, but she did get a few minutes of horse love in.

Big hugs from Xander.
Scooter was not left out.

I kind of love this one.

The kids surprised us and slept in their tent all night, until the rooster woke them up at 0'dark-thirty. Ugh.

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