
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Almost time for school to start up.

Back to school night tonight....soon to have 4 kids in ALL DAY school!! I would be more sad, if I wasn't so dang excited LOL.

Our lil country school is tiny, only 1 class per grade...I think we are somewhere near 150 kids K-5 LOL. So the triplets will again all be in the same class. The kids brought in their school supplies and found their seats. They put the triplets at different tables, no complaints here.

Hayden is super excited, her BFF Kaylee sits at her table.

Mr. Jericho...he is pretty excited for Kindergarten.

Checking out the playground.

Four Cougars.
Back home...they have been waiting to find one of these guys. He was safely released after a thorough inspection LOL.

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