
Friday, August 26, 2016

The boys.

Daryl is a strutting proud papa again, his feathers are looking so much better now LOL.
My missed rooster on round up day. He has turned out quite handsome and has the funniest young roo crow. He sounds like a fun house clown, I have to get it on video one day LOL.
Olive Eggers are just as cool as Easter never know what they will look like all grown up.

Queen Bee...every bit her mothers daughter. UniPiggie, when smaller, was the only one to get herself places she wasn't supposed to be. Seems Queenie has similar skills LOL.
My bachelors...they are such fun boys.

Getting big.

Hard to believe they will be as big as dad back there in a year!
Still love belly rubs.
I think "Tank" is sold...we are sure going to miss this guy.

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