
Monday, August 8, 2016

Hanging out with baby pigs is dirty work.

Looks like Kitty will be having her babies soon...she has been nest building! I moved her over to the nursery tractor a couple days ago.

A sea of bunny tractors.

Piglets are dirty little critters, but I could spend all day out hanging with them.

A little Jericho funny for you, that kind of involves pigs....
"Mom, is sausage cow penis?" I had to pick myself up off the floor and dry my eyes before I could answer him LMAO!!! 5 year olds hahaha.

They rest, play, fight and rest...did I mention rest...a lot.

Queen Bee is so darn cute.

Raven got an intro to the trio and piglets today...they did not take to her right off. The chasing was pretty constant. Hopefully they accept her soon.

She is so petite, she is not much bigger than the babies.

Run Raven...the big girls are so mean.

A rest from all the running away. Poor Raven.
Playing hide and seek LOL.

Yup, I was right. Baby bunnies! Not the best start.

This first time momma pulled a great amount of fur...but had the first two outside the box. She had 9, but only 7 are still with us.

3 little blues.

4 blacks. Fingers crossed we don't lose anymore.

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