
Sunday, August 7, 2016

This went better than expected.

There is no rest for those that party too hard the night before when you live on a farm. Okay...maybe if you sneak off to your room you can get a 3 hours nap LOL. After my little cat nap, it was time to tag some piglets. I was dreading this, not as much as castrating the boys (that is next week...stay tuned I'm sure you don't want to miss all the fun LOL) but I was still not looking forward to it.

To my surprise it went really well...maybe a little better for Jason and I than the piglets, but even they didn't take it too hard. No blood, very little screaming, from pain anyway...they screamed more from the indignity of being picked up than when their ear got pierced.

All right...who is first?

I did the holding, Jason did the tagging. These suckers are big, 5 weeks old and just little chunks.

It  is a 2 piece deal, one part pierces through the ear while the other part holds the back that the pin settles into. The tool is pretty much like a clamp, you squeeze the ear and the pin goes through and sets into the back. Super simple, just dip the pin tip in some betadine and get down half way on the ear and clamp. Done.

Doesn't mean I wanted to watch LOL.

One of my favorite boys..."Tank".

A little milk from mom and all is well again.

Ava and Scooter watched.

That is a big slug...I wear a size 9.
Jason and I watched 30 minutes of Beauty and the Beast performed live tonight. We had to hurry the cast through what I'm guessing would have been another 30 minutes. I recorded until my phone couldn't do it any more LOL. Lily needs to be in a drama club NOW. The video is so dang long I don't even think I can share is a cast photo though.

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