
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Happy Birthday Hailee!

Kitsune and I have been hitting the training hard lately. Our IPO club is holding a trail this weekend, and after some back and forth I have decided to enter Kitsune for her BH...last minute of course because that's how I roll. Her breeder has been helping me get her ready, he is a wonderful trainer and is so kind to offer some assistance to us. I am no professional trainer, which is obvious especially in her lack of focus in our heeling, but she is coming along pretty well.
Saturday it is BH or BUST....fingers crossed pretty please!
Working on the long down...she has to stay put for around 7-8 minutes.

Look at that face...she's got this. I hope Hahaha!
After training I picked up the kiddos early from school so we could get out to Beaverton for Cousin Hailee's Bday party. They played while waiting for the birthday girl to arrive.

Hayden...always got to be the strongest daredevil.
Lily's chosen hiding spot to surprise Hailee, yup you're good no way she will see you LOL.
Hailee was so excited to see her family and friends...she had no idea about the party :) The hazel eyed pair, cuties!

When playground toys get boring, playing around an empty rock water fountain is all the rage.

Cupcake time!
Happy 8th Birthday Miss Hailee!

Gift time is exciting for everyone LOL.

Nice look for you Bug.
10 kids on a slide...good fun!

Love you guys!

Hope you had a great party Hailee...we love you!

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