
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mr. Jericho!

I was pleasantly surprised when I heard Jericho would be among the first kids awarded Student Of The Month this year. Totally unexpected LOL. Xander also was awarded Student Of The Month in his class. The girls were a little bummed, but they took it well. Woohoo great start to the year...keep it up boys!

Xander, we are so proud of you! You are the sweetest most wonderful kid...your Dad and I love you so much!
Jericho, you are wild and rambunctious...and completely wonderful. You make us smile and pull our hair out at the same time, that is talent kid. We adore you and are so glad school has gotten off on a great foot for you!

My three them!

My first PTA event that I signed up to participate in. It was fun...wish I would have brought Haddie along, she would have loved to paint too.
Not too shabby for my first canvas painting event, they were nice enough to pre draw the head LOL.

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