
Sunday, October 2, 2016

A goat in love.

Hooch is a boy in love LOL. I have never been around a buck...much less one in rut. He is hilarious, he sticks his tongue out constantly...must be attractive to does LOL. Today when I went out to check on everyone I see that he has been very busy wooing Taboo. She is no longer running from him either. Think we will be expecting babies late February!! He sure didn't take long to settle in.
See his tongue LOL so funny.

He is too much. At least he is not peeing on his beard yet.
He looks so intelligent doesn't he.

Such a handsome buck!

Yahtzee showing off her whiter side.
Yahtzee was starting to get frisky with Hooch too. Lil hussies LOL. She is so cute...looks like two different goats depending which side of her you see.
Taboo...I need to shave everyone this spring/summer and get some nice photos. They are nicely put together goats.

We put this dogloo in with Heidi and Lulu so they would have somewhere to sleep. Looks like the piglets have stolen it.

The little girls are still not happy being away from mom...they pretty much stay in this corner all day.
They are looking nice...good toplines, nice necks, depth, rump...and they are pushing 40 lbs at 8 months. I can't wait to see how they freshen in the summer.
Heidi such a beauty...a fuzzy chunky beauty. I think it is a good thing that we took the milk bar away LOL.
She wanted to eat the moss...silly girl.

Eyes are opening on the surprise baby bunnies.

Brave boys!
They love getting toys off the roof. Poor Kitsune thought she was going to get to play. Not yet little PITA, you are still on IR.

Not much backs Hayden down...seems heights may not be her thing, they aren't mine either sweetheart.

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