
Friday, October 7, 2016

It's a hoedown.

My first day volunteering at the kids school today. 2 hours of fun! It feels so good when people notice what wonderful kids you have, and take the time to tell you what a great job you are doing. Part of my volunteer time today was in the lunch room being the "Ice Cream Lady" (my kids were so excited). I had both lunch ladies and another staff member in there singing praises about my babies. They told me how much they love them, how great their personalities are and what wonderful kids they are...then they said good job parents. I'm so proud of my minions...they are such great young people!

There was more school fun to be had. The PTA put on a family country dance. The kids spent the entire 2 hours moving, grooving and having a blast. The DJ had lights, bubbles, TP launcher, soap suds blower, hula hoops, limbo, 3 legged race, mom and dad involved dancing and games. Such a fun even!

Lily is not shy...she was out there before the DJ was even all set up LOL.

Parents were asked to join the hula fun...Jason and I suck LOL.


TP shooter.

Conga line!

Soap suds. All the kids were catching the soap in their hats and then were instructed to put the hats on their Dads heads LOL.

Some line dancing...don't tell anyone but Jason knows too many line dances LOL.

This cute little girl is in Jericho's class, she came up and asked him to dance. Awwww LOL.

All the Dads were lined up, giving wigs, and told to do a dance off. It was hilarious. Dads are such good sports!

Too much fun!

Babies, babies, babies!
Found more surprise babies today. We heard a ton of crazy cheeping, followed the sound to find these guys. They were cold and cranky because mom was off eating LOL. Pocahontas came back and thankfully didn't try to kill me. Hope these guys do as well as the singleton the other hen hatched out. That one is growing every day.

More cute babies. 2 weeks old...eyes open and looking cute!

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