
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wonderful time of the year.*

The munchkins awoke at 6am, no matter that we told them last night that we were not heading to Grandma's until 2pm...ugh. We managed to keep them busy for a little while making cookies.

Jericho is fired.
Santa's offering, plus the kids extras.
Everyone wanted festive hair today.

Cute lil mohawk.

The girls have been practicing a song for tonight. In the car heading to Grandma's, they were rehearsing their song.

Lily: We need to work on your last part Hayden.
Hayden: Ok.
Lily: Just sing it longer and with passion.

Such a little Diva. The performance was great though. I recorded the last verse.

The kiddos sat with Great Aunt Julie for dinner.
My boys...crazy bunch.

It is gift time...woohoo!
Auntie Stacie is always popular with the littles.
The triplets made some great gifts in class. They all made calendars and little jewelry boxes. Grandma got one of the calendars and one of the boxes. Stacie got a calendar too. Jason and I loved ours...they did such a great job.

Grandma scored with some Shopkins stuff for Lily.
Great Aunt Julie always has great stuff for the kids.

Hayden loved her cowgirl boots so much she jumped right up and gave Grandma a huge hug.
Stacie gave me these awesome coasters.

Another win for Grandma. She has a cherry necklace that Hayden loves, she took the matching earrings and made a necklace for Hayden.
Bumper cars for the fun!
Too true Great Aunt Julie!
Balloon animal great Auntie Stacie!
This game looks fun, thanks Great Uncle Steve!
One of Grandma's faves...the kids really nailed it LOL!

"If Grandma is missing....check the casino"

Lily got a necklace from Grandma too.

Shark tooth necklaces for the boys.
Hayden got these...she will work endlessly until she gets it. Uncle Chris...not bad!
Great Grandpa and Betty scored with some new sleds.

Just couldn't wait to try them out.

This was a highlight LOL.

Sibling love!
Grandma got a new bumper from her sons. Her restore job on the old mustang is coming along.

It was a late night...but still managed to get Santa's goodies set out. Reindeer carrots too.

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