
Sunday, December 25, 2016

You'll shoot your eye out.

No sleeping in on Christmas. The 4 piranhas are under strict orders to not touch a thing until after our traditional pancake Rudolph breakfast. It is so funny listening to them tell each other not to touch the gifts or get into their stockings.

Under the tree looked a little more slim than last year. Jason and I really enjoyed the 4 gifts thing though. This year we tried to buy something they want, something to wear, something they need and something to read. Then each kid picked something out for their siblings, and of course Santa got each 1 gift and a full stocking of fun. I think we will for sure do this again next year.
Stockings first.
Thankfully Santa only brought a little chocolate this year.
Lots of fun activity and coloring books though.
Willow was in on all the fun...Oz was hiding out from all the crazy.
Hayden hit it big for Lily with her gift. Bright Eyes Dreamy.
Lily actually picked Hayden up with her huge hug LOL.
Hayden did great this year...she picked a small beginner microscope for Xan and a Batman toy for Jericho.

Lily got Hayden Operation...and a stuffed Koala.
Walkie Talkies for Xan.

Mario K'NEX for Jericho.
Big hit Lily...earned her a big hug LOL.
Jericho picked a tea set for Lily...she loves playing tea time. I was pretty impressed with how they all picked great gifts for each other.
A bracelet maker set for Haddie.
Jericho scored a direct hit with Xander's gift...beginner bow set. Look at his face...awesome!

An RC truck for Jericho.

I think he likes it LOL.

Something to read...this was easier for Xan and Hayden, they really like to read. We got them a set of Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys books. Jericho got a BOB set. Lily got this little gem.
She has a great sense of humor..."The Girl Who Hates Books" I hope she enjoys it.
Seahawks shirts to wear.
Jason earned major points with my gift this year. He bought me a Billy Cook saddle!!! The kids kept the secret...I was totally! Thanks babe, I love you so much. Thanks to my friend Michele for steering him in the right direction.

It is so beautiful! Can not wait to try it out!
Jason got a LED light bar for his truck....and a MyPillow, which he has been wanting to try for a while.
Final gifts of the day...Santa's big gift for each of the kiddos. Lily got a camcorder. My little Diva can now make her movies and news reports...without filing up our phones.

She can't wait to use it LOL. Nice one Santa!
Hayden was so happy to open hers. She has been saving her money to buy one of these for herself.

Easy Bake Oven...2 for 2 Santa!
Jericho is not taking this off for days I bet, he opened it and yelled "Just what I wished for!" Santa, you are on fire this year.
Did I say on fire...or you are fired?
We just watched A Christmas Story yesterday...Xander couldn't believe he got a "real" Red Ryder BB gun.

Don't shoot your eye out kid!
What a different Christmas from last year. Grandma and Auntie Stacie came out for a visit again, last year we were covered in snow so everyone was sledding and skiing. This year everyone took turns riding Scooter.
I got to try out my new saddle first. I love it, I think Scooter does too. He was a good boy even though I haven't gotten to do my weekly rides the last couple of weeks due to snow. It was all melted today and the sun was out!

Auntie Stacie took Jericho for a spin.

Grandma and Hayden got to ride too. Such a great Christmas, Merry Christmas to all!

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