
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Getting our shave on.

Yahtzee is keeping me on the edge of my seat. Got her kidding area all set up. Hoping for babies soon...but the brat is probably going to make me wait until next weekend...when I have stuff to do.

First goat shave job. She is now a hot mess LOL. Who knew it was so fun to shave goats.
Her udder is starting to get fuller...can't wait to see how it looks at peak production.

This guy wandered onto our property at 7am and refused to leave. Found his owners, 2 miles away, and got him home around 7pm.

Jericho is still not feeling well...but that doesn't stop him from being silly.

Xander, how are you comfortable playing like that?

Oz says...Not the momma LOL.

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